From health, to breeding, to production herd advice.
Understanding Goat Defects
What one breeder considers a defect may well be considered a harmless variation by another. A few of the more common variations are outlined here, with the consequences for goat breeders.
Abscesses – Should You Worry?
Every abscess must be considered as a potential threat to the herd even though some are fairly harmless.
Johne’s Disease in Goats
Johne’s (pronounced YO nees) disease is a serious disease… We all need to be doing what we can to identify this disease, and then to try to eliminate it.
Understanding Breed Percentages
Calculating breed percentages in crossbreeds is actually not as complicated as it might appear.
Understanding Performance Ratios
The purpose of using Performance Ratios is to identify animals that are “above average”.
Check back later, there is more to come! Also, read the latest MGR Newsletter for more articles and info.